All Posts by

Talal Elmasry

Michael gets his beat back

Michael Jansen, 66, is a tall, lean Midwesterner with a soft Missouri drawl, an easy laugh and kind eyes. He will tell you that he takes care of himself — walking several miles every day and being mindful of what he eats — and that he delights in…

A new outlook for Noah

New parents Debra and Zak Jarabat were overjoyed by the birth of their first child, Noah, a beautiful baby boy born with all his tiny fingers and toes perfectly formed, and his every breath a precious moment for his adoring parents. However, within days of bringing Noah home,…

Heart disease and cancer: A toxic relationship

When the calendar changes to February, red and pink heart-shaped candy fills store shelves in preparation for Valentine’s Day. Let those hearts also serve as a reminder of another February event: American Heart Month. Health conditions, lifestyle choices and family history can all increase your risk of heart disease.

Heather’s lifelong battle

By Alisha Katz Heather Lowery’s parents were told that she would likely not live to be 3 months old. At 36, Heather has proved them wrong and has set an example for adults living with congenital heart disease. At 8 months pregnant, Heather’s mother learned from physicians that Heather’s…

Moving mountains: All Andy needed was a chance, and a miracle

By Bill Levesque The boy’s heart was dying. And no one could save it. Karen Reyes said a prayer as she sat beside her son, Andy Herrera, a few weeks after his heart surgery. Her boisterous 12-year-old with the outsized personality unsettled her in his stillness. “Andy, Mommy’s with…