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Heart Healthy Advice

UF Health ranked among nation’s best in 14 specialties for children and adults

No other Florida hospital has as many adult and pediatric specialties ranked among the nation’s best as University of Florida Health Shands Hospital, with the U.S. News & World Report 2021-22 Best Hospitals survey released today again reflecting the health system’s stature as a longstanding leader in Florida and regional…

Eating right and staying balanced in 2021

The weather is warming and outdoor fun is just around the corner — springtime is here. With spring always comes cleaning, and we at UF Health want to empower and invite individuals and families to spring clean their lifestyle choices and make informed, nutritious choices for themselves and their families.

Heart disease and cancer: A toxic relationship

When the calendar changes to February, red and pink heart-shaped candy fills store shelves in preparation for Valentine’s Day. Let those hearts also serve as a reminder of another February event: American Heart Month. Health conditions, lifestyle choices and family history can all increase your risk of heart disease.

Women need women-specific cardiology care

While a healthy heart looks the same for a man and woman inside the body, we know women’s heart health is unique to them. That’s why our UF Health team has built a cardiovascular care clinic specifically for women. Led by Ki Park, M.D., an interventional cardiologist in the division…

Six important things to know about heart health

1. The body is a temple Monica Aggarwal, MD, FACC We don’t want to hear this when we’re younger, but it’s true that what we put into our bodies will eventually affect us later in life. The foods we eat directly impact how we feel, our energy levels and our…

Are soy products OK?

  Bottom line: Soy products are OK. Consumers may be concerned regarding reports about soy and its association with cancer. This data does not pan out. Consider Asian countries drink soy milk, eat tofu and soy beans (edamame) abundantly and don’t have a higher incidence of breast cancer.

What’s so great about fruits and vegetables?

For generations, we have known that fruits and vegetables are good for our health. Multiple studies show time and again that we live longer when we eat more fruits and vegetables. How many fruits and vegetables is enough? However, just how much we need has not been as clear. Since…